Dahlberg Dais Water-Efficient Products Sales Tax Holiday! 3 Days Only! Saturday May 26 thru Monday May 28 loweHeat and drooghtPay no sales tax on all plants opyd il sumr ihowhoses,water saver products Globe emaranthGoupon mulch,soil, compost, soaker our phone Pof of Gazania Daisy cut flower Save our Butfertliestagerafum Five native varieties Gallon Pots Rainbow GardensButy Weed Tropical Milkweed Fertilizer 188 What's Happening Bandera Rd Store Sat, May 96th, 10am, Build, Sow eSat, June 2 row with ardens scaping, with Cjanlener RAINBOW GARDENS (ce Sat, May 20th, 2pm, Gardening for Butterflies, Bees Acres of Gardening Heaven! -Sat, June End ?pm. "Ediblk Land. 8510 Bandera KidGuilbeau Rd 210-080-2394 585 Thousand Oaks @ Hend. Pass 210-494-013 Open 9-6 Mon-Sat 10-6 Sunday www.rainbowgurdens biz ounty Master 1óth, 10am Club Father's Day Aizplant Project